All posts by: Nobel Web Master

About Nobel Web Master

All animals kept as home companions are considered as pets. Pets can be categorized in two groups of traditional pets (including dogs, cats, ornamental birds and aquarium fish) and exotic pets (including rabbits, hamster, turtles, iguana, snake varieties, mice, monkeys, hedgehogs, guinea pigs, casco, squirrels …). Exotic pets are in fact wild or laboratory animals […]

Accounting is a technique for recording, categorizing and summarizing the financial activities of an institution in the form of figures and numbers that can be measured in money and interpreting the results obtained from the examination of these figures. Indeed, accounting is an information system that, by providing the necessary information, helps investors, creditors, managers […]

Autocad is a software which is used for drawing industrial and engineering maps. This software is the product of the Autodesk American company. Autocad users have the possibility to use 2,3 dimensional setting. Unique possibilities which Autocad gives you caused to be considered as a software in the domestic, industrial, military and commercial. Undoubtedly, Autocad […]

By this article we provide information to owners of all Budget Accommodation Buildings (BABs) to develop and implement Fire Safety Management Plans (FSMP), under the fire safety legislation. The guideline is also intended to assist building owners, local government officers, fire officers, consultants and designers in understanding the features of a FSMP. On 1 July […]

At the request of the UN Commission on Sustainable Development a global survey has been carried out to determine progress towards sustainable management of water resources using integrated approaches. Findings from the analysis of data from over 130 countries show that there has been widespread adoption of integrated approaches with significant impact on development and […]

On the international level ISO (International Organization for Standardization), CEN (European Committee for Standardization) and ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers) are writing standards related to the indoor environment. This presentation will focus on the development of standards for the indoor thermal environment and indoor air quality. In the future, recommendations […]

What should I look for when I have an Inspection need? Many companies provide inspection services, sometimes at what appears to be low cost. However, before commissioning an organization to undertake such work, it is important to consider the risks: Are you confident that the organization has the technical competence to undertake the work in […]