All posts by: Nobel Web Master

About Nobel Web Master

A person who is using computer is a computer user. Computers with applications that have in all contexts bring users to their computers for different purposes. To be a computer user, you should be able to use it. It also can be learnt in different ways. But the most important factor in learning to use […]

Flash is a graphic and animation software that allows web developers to design low-capacity animations. With the help of flash, you can create your own web pages with animation and sound. Flash is built to create full-featured and high-speed multimedia devices, but there is no limit to the transferring its content. All animation built with […]

Computer engineer in project quality management is a person who has master’s degree in computer science that in addition to leadership and managing computer projects at centers, companies and organizations similar ones in IT, ICT, IKT and other training fields such as these, according to their own knowledge, can manage the quality of relevant projects. This […]

The second-level ICDL is one of the competencies of the IT field. Examples of things like hardware review, software reviews, network reviews, information technology and communication in everyday life, security reviews, law review, preliminary work with the operating system, file management, work with programs Utility, print management, observance of the initial work with the Internet, […]

ICDL level 1 is from the IT competency. Examples of things like word processing with Word, working with Excel spreadsheets, working with the Access database, and providing content with Power Point are worth considering. This competence is relevant to all occupations that apply to computers and computer users. This training course is equal to 50 […]

While the price of laptops has declined in recent years due to increasing tablets and other portable systems, upgrading a laptop and its components still is expensive. This tutorial will teach you how to upgrade your laptop and technical properties even better than the manufacturer. If you have been upsetting how to fix and upgrade […]

From the very beginning of the organization, managers have always been working to increase endeavor to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the organization by utilizing the past scientific experiences and the present scientific techniques that result from the advancement of scientific theories and achievements of management schools. The goal of most schools is to […]

Hajj is one of the most important prophecies of Islam. In the first decade of the month, Muslims are obligated to attend a mosque in the city of Mecca, Saudi Arabia, to take a series of acts of indulgence. The pilgrimage is based on three types of Hajj, Qur’an, and individuals which inhabitants of Mecca […]