training course

E-Learning & Training Cert

The A + certification indicates a general knowledge about hardware in the person who owns this document and he is known as a computer hardware technician. CompTIA recommends a minimum of 500 hours of prior knowledge and experience with PC hardware to attend the graduation courses. The highlights of this course and its related evidence […]

The desirability of launching a LNSIE business in the field of finance and commerce involves: identifying business life skills, identifying entrepreneurial and business concepts, implementing a business start-up process, improving business development and is associated with entrepreneurship. This training course is equal to 90 training hours.

This job is in the field of finance and commerce. This job has duties such as: – Analyzing computer games – Providing the most up-to-date games – Communicating with the customer – Managing the store – Communicating clearly and constructively with government agencies. The job is related to jobs such as computer repairers (hardware) and […]

This job is in the field of finance and commerce. Issues related to obtaining a customer order regarding the items in question, presenting explanations on the materials in the merchandise. Encouraging the customer to purchase, issue the invoice and prepare the materials for delivery to the customer, layout of the goods in the merchandise, paying […]

This job is in the field of finance and commerce. Analysis of the needs of the community for parts and spare parts for their cars, the provision of spare parts foreseen, the design of shelving and layout of the store, understanding the customer’s request when entering the store, introducing the features of the existing appliances, […]

This job is in the field of finance and commerce. Employed in this occupation, according to the existing conditions of the community, and in particular the tendency of young people to participate in various sports and needs analysis, they have been preparing and supplying sporting apparatus and they will be offered a decent design in […]

This competence is related to the field of information technology. BI in Information Technology has the competence of working with business intelligence, working with data warehouses, business analysis and visualization of data, data mining, text mining and web mining, business management and implementation of neural networks for data mining. This competence is associated with jobs […]

Quail is a large group consisting of several genus of small birds of the phylum of the poultries. These birds are the most well-known species of poultry phylum. The quail has a small body and prefers life on the earth. They feed on seeds, as well as insects and other small creatures. They are nesting […]