All posts by: Nobel Web Master

About Nobel Web Master

ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library) is a guide for IT managers to manage and optimize IT infrastructure in their organization. The ITIL allows managers to ensure the level of service provided in the organization and to provide the required infrastructure in accordance with a predetermined schedule. Since the late 1980s, ITIL has become the world’s […]

Production management and operations are the domain of management in relation to the design and management of products, processes, services and supply chain. Its goal is to achieve, develop and use resources to achieve the goods and services that customers need. Production and operations management includes strategic, tactical, and operational levels. The strategic level involves […]

Today, it’s clear to anyone that the issues of international trade are complex and completely interrelated, as all countries have to constantly have interrelated connections and use the goods made from other countries or the raw materials of each other, because the extent of the dispersion of underground resources has caused all people in the […]

Commercial management is one of the most important parts of business management. A company can establish a good business relationship between itself and its customers when it has a successful business manager. The person who manages the business of an enterprise is struggling to attract customers and to present and introduce the integrity and principles […]

The supervisor is the person who, through communication, carries out the activities of the organization by the subordinates. In other words, supervisors are directors who are directly responsible for managing the employees of the company immediately. You should definitely like your collection to do its best. Therefore, in today’s world, capital is a manpower, and […]

Negotiation is the process of identifying requirements, prioritizing, negotiating, and agreeing on them. Negotiation is always accompanied by the exchange of privileges. A privilege that may be large, small, physical, spiritual, visible or intangible. A superior manager as the agent of his or her employer must protect the interests of his or her company or […]

Having a high-income restaurant, as opposed to imagination, is simply not possible. Unless the restaurant manager has a history of popularity and customer acquisition skills. With the dramatic increase in the number of restaurants and the tough competition between them, this does not seem simple, because it’s safe to say that people usually do not […]

Entrepreneurship refers to the process of creating a new value (physical or spiritual) through a committed effort, taking into account the risks posed by it. The term entrepreneurship originates from the French word “Entrepreneurs”, meaning “committed.” Entrepreneurship was first brought to economists’ attention, and all schools of economics from the 16th century until now have […]

Project management refers to the allocation, follow-up, and use of resources to achieve specific goals within a specific time frame as project management. In other words, project management involves the use of knowledge, skills, tools and techniques for project activities in order to meet project requirements. Project management is done using processes such as initiating, […]