Having a high-income restaurant, as opposed to imagination, is simply not possible. Unless the restaurant manager has a history of popularity and customer acquisition skills. With the dramatic increase in the number of restaurants and the tough competition between them, this does not seem simple, because it’s safe to say that people usually do not just go to the restaurant for eating, but they are more interested to see others, in other words people simply going to the restaurant to see people. As a result, to have a busy restaurant is the best way of attracting customers. Managing the restaurant will create more traffic and more revenue for the restaurant manager. There are restaurants in most major cities that are always busy, especially on holidays, where people have more time to have fun and eat outdoors. These restaurants should be very careful. Everything can be tasty if you observe all the tips of the restaurant.

Course Objective: Promote the qualitative scientific and experimental qualities of the owners of the restaurant; Investors interested in the establishment of the restaurant; Internal managers of single and chain restaurants; All private and public housing and catering managers; Companies and other free enthusiasts; Familiarity of stakeholders. The establishment and management of the restaurant; reception halls; private banquet facilities and parlors and contractors; arranging banquets and contractors with the basic principles of the catering service; how the covenants are; current food regulations; issues relating to the quality of services and the quality of food products in completing the process; obtain information on cooking to create the necessary controls, familiarity with the kitchen management and job scheduling. Preparing the menu and issues related to the implementation of the activities. Requirements and abilities.

For the proper turnover of the catering industry, creativity, individual genius, skill, economic insight, and science, technology and the use of experiences are among the most effective factors in achieving a successful breakthrough. The staffing of the staff, their politeness, and their behavior, combined with good morals and lucidity, can be an important factor in the success of a restaurant. The intrinsic nature of humans always calls for responses to be respected, which can play a significant role in attracting guests and customers. This training course is equal to 98 training hours.

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