All posts by: Nobel Web Master

About Nobel Web Master

ISO/IEC 20000 is the first internationally recognized standard for an IT Service Management System (ITSMS). It’s split into two parts: ISO/IEC 20000-1 outlines the minimum requirements and ISO/IEC 20000-2 which provides additional guidance to help you with implementation. How ISO/IEC 20000 works and what it delivers for you and your company   ISO/IEC 20000 is […]

Today’s rapid, growing and amazing developments are taking place in the environment of organizations. Therefore, in order to identify and resist these changes, proper and efficient management must be provided in the organization. By equipping the organizations with knowledge (which is today known as the only competitive advantage) and by effective management of information resources, […]

The color, flavor, texture, and the nutritional value of fresh-cut fruit and vegetable products are factors critical to consumer acceptance and the success of these products. In this chapter, desirable and undesirable quality attributes of fresh-cut fruit and vegetable products are reviewed. Both instrumental and sensory measurements for determining these critical quality attributes are discussed. […]

Sustainability Challenge As human populations place ever-increasing amounts of stress on natural systems, the very existence of global life-sustaining resources is threatened. The pressures can come in many forms such as escalating atmospheric emissions, rapid population growth, and over consumption of natural resources. These pressures result in environmental and social epidemics including ozone layer depletion, […]

SO/IEC TR 24763:2011 provides a Conceptual Reference Model that comprises categories of items, attributes, and relationships. It can be used to identify the relationships between concepts represented within an information technology for learning, education and training (ITLET) system, such as competency, knowledge, skills, capabilities, qualifications, performance, and learning objectives. It can be used to identify […]

Organizations that manage risks effectively are more likely to protect themselves and succeed in growing their business. The challenge for any business is to integrate good practice into their day-to-day operations and apply it to the wider aspects of their organizational practice. BS ISO 31000 is the international standard for risk management. By providing comprehensive principles […]

This International Standard provides guidance on concepts and processes of project management that are important for, and have impact on, the performance of projects. The target readership for this International Standard is the following: — senior managers and project sponsors, in order to provide them with a better understanding of the principles and practice of project […]

The ISO 9000 family of International Standards requires the quality management system of an organization to be documented. This Technical Report promotes the adoption of the process approach when developing and implementing the quality management system and improving its effectiveness. For an organization to function effectively, it has to identify and manage numerous linked activities. An activity using […]

ISO 10008:2013 provides guidance for planning, designing, developing, implementing, maintaining and improving an effective and efficient business-to-consumer electronic commerce transaction (B2C ECT) system within an organization. It is applicable to any organization engaged in, or planning to be engaged in, a business-to-consumer electronic commerce transaction, regardless of size, type and activity. ISO 10008:2013 is not […]

Many organizations are currently undertaking initiatives to improve information governance systems and practice across the business. Good records management is a fundamental element of good information governance and good business. BS ISO 15489-1:2016 sets the best practice for records management and all organizations will benefit from reviewing their record management activities against this standard. What […]