The escalator or moving walk model you select, will reflect your concept and your individual style. The model you finally select will depend on the capacity requirements of the escalators and moving walks, the location of your installation in particular, the type of weather that it must with- stand and the required performance.

On the following pages, we provide an overview of our products to help you identify the right type for your requirements.

  1. Which escalator or moving walk to use? When?

We distinguish between escalators and moving walks for commercial centers and traffic installation. With or without Internet connection?

Many escalators and moving walks are already e-service capable. That

means the system data can be accessed via the Internet. By using new image transfer technologies these escalators and moving walks will even be remote-controllable (e-monitoring).

  1. Travel speeds and transport capacities.

Escalators and moving walks can continuously move passengers. Consequently, their transport capacity is much greater than that of lifts. Travel speeds of 0.5 to 0.65 m/s are recommended internationally.

The maximum permissible speed of 0.75 m/s is only sensible for escalators with a considerable travel height.

For moving walks the same speeds apply. Exception: For a horizontal moving walk, the speed can be increased up to 0.9 m/s.

For example, passengers tend to be hesitant at higher speeds when stepping on to the step or pallet band. Even with larger step or pallet widths, the possibility to pass is not always utilized. Even so, higher speeds and wider steps or pallets, ensure travel comfort and a considerable reduction of travel time.

  1. Inclinations and travel heights.

Even with a rise of only 1.40 m, an escalator can considerably ease visitor access to the building.

Traffic installations:

The most common travel heights of traffic installations are between 4 and 10 m. The most common angles of inclination for this are 27.3° and 30°. At 27.3°, the escalators are normally parallel to the fixed staircases in public traffic installations.

Commercial centers escalators:

For escalators in commercial centers, experience has shown that a 30° angle of inclination ensures optimum utilization of the space available and maximum ease of use. For a rise up to 6 m a 35° angle of inclination is available.

  1. Step and pallet widths.

Neither excessively wide nor narrow steps or pallets represent a balanced ratio between the space required and the transport capacity, between travel comfort and costs.

Based on the cross-sections you can see the required space of your escalators and moving walks. A clearance of 30 mm for installation must be added to the dimensions on either side of the escalator or moving walk.

  1. Extended newels.

Optional extended newels optimize connections to ambient railings in the upper and lower entrance areas.

  1. Transition curves.

Depending on space availability and the number of horizontal runout steps, there is a choice of three transition curves for the upper entrance area. Two transition curves are available for the lower entrance area.

  1. Operating modes.

After rush-hour, escalators and moving walks do not need to operate at full power. You can save energy and reduce wear

For this we recommend either intermittent operation: Through starting elements, e.g. radar sensors or light barriers at the landings, the escalator only starts to operate when people need to be conveyed. When light barrier or radar sensors do not detect passenger entries, the escalator operates by means of a time relay until the last user has left the step band and the set follow-up time has expired. Traffic light units indicate if the machine is operational as well as the direction of travel.

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