In recent years there have been many disasters, terrorist attacks and other major incidents which have shown the importance of effective incident response in order to save lives, mitigate harm and damage, and to ensure a base level of continuity of essential societal functions. Such functions include health and rescue services, water and food supply, and electricity and fuel delivery. While in the past the focus of incident response has been national, regional or within single organizations, today and for the future there is a need for a multinational and multi-organizational approach. This is a result of worldwide governmental, non-governmental, commercial and industrial relationships and dependencies.
This International Standard enables public and private incident response organizations to improve their capabilities in handling all types of emergencies (for example, crisis, disruptions and disasters). The multiple functions of incident response are shared between organizations and agencies, with the private sector and the government having different levels of responsibility. Thus there is a need to guide all involved parties in how to prepare and implement effective incident responses. This International Standard will, based on minimum requirements, enable organizations involved to operate with joint optimum efficiency.
Effective incident response needs structured command and control, and coordination and cooperation, in order to establish coordination and cooperation, carry out command processes and facilitate information flow amongst the involved organizations, agencies and other parties.
Cross-organization, -region or -border assistance during incident response is expected to be appropriate to the needs of the affected population and also to be culturally acceptable. Therefore community participation in the development and implementation of incident response measures is essential. Involved organizations require the ability to share a common approach across geographical and organizational boundaries.
Information requirements, as well as requirements pertaining to the information management process and structure, may enable industry to develop technical solutions which will provide maximal interoperability according to information and communication exchange needs during incident response.
An effective incident preparedness and operational continuity management programme can be implemented using ISO/PAS 22399, and by conducting regular multi-organizational exercises.
This International Standard can be used alone or together with the other standards developed by ISO/TC 223.

Benefits of ISO 22320 Emergency Management:

By becoming a Certified ISO 22320 Professional, you will be able to help your organization achieve clear benefits, such as:

  • Become internationally recognized
  • Gain competitive advantage
  • Enhance the right skills to manage complex and stressful events
  • Improve the ability to respond to threats
  • Improve decision-making skills during crises
  • Help the organization to identify its individual performance requirements
  • Build customer trust
  • Provide guidance on command and control structure
  • Develop advanced resource allocation
  • Provide careful and appropriate operational information
  • Enhance cooperation and coordination processes

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