ISO 13053-1:2011 describes a methodology for the business improvement methodology known as Six Sigma. The methodology typically comprises five phases: define, measure, analyse, improve and control (DMAIC).

ISO 13053-1:2011 recommends the preferred or best practice for each of the phases of the DMAIC methodology used during the execution of a Six Sigma project. It also recommends how Six Sigma projects should be managed and describes the roles, expertise and training of the personnel involved in such projects. It is applicable to organizations using manufacturing processes as well as service and transactional processes.

ISO 13053-2:2011 describes the tools and techniques, illustrated by factsheets, to be used at each phase of the DMAIC approach.

The methodology set out in ISO 13053-1 is generic and remains independent of any individual industrial or economic sector. This makes the tools and techniques described in ISO 13053-2:2011 applicable to any sector of activity and any size business seeking to gain a competitive advantage

Who should attend?

  • Managers or consultants involved with and committed to process improvement
  • Expert advisors seeking to master the implementation of Six Sigma processes or projects
  • Individuals responsible for ensuring process improvement within an organization
  • Six Sigma project team members

Learning objectives

  • Acknowledge the correlation between ISO 13053, ISO 9001 and other standards and regulatory frameworks
  • Master the concepts, approaches, methods and techniques used to improve processes within an organization
  • Learn how to support an organization to effectively implement process improvement techniques
  • Learn how to integrate DMAIC methodology during the implementation of a Six Sigma project


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