Collaborative business relationship management systems can deliver a wide range of benefits to enhance competitiveness and performance.

ISO 44001 started life as PAS 11000 Collaborative business relationships. The PAS was published in November 2006.

It became a British Standard, BS 11000, in 2010 and now, it has evolved into an international standard to help organizations, large and small in both public and private sectors, to build and develop effective competitive business relationships based upon a collaborative approach.

The standard is applicable to private and public organizations of all sizes, from large multinational corporations and government organizations, to non-profit organizations and micro/small businesses. It can be used to manage relationships on several different levels whether your needs focus on a single application between operating divisions or more complex relationships like consortia and joint ventures.

ISO 44001 is now aligned to the high level structure that covers all ISO management standards, and incorporates the eight stage life cycle model that was the basis for BS 11000 to help business partners maximize the value of collaborative working:

  • Operational awareness
  • Knowledge
  • Internal assessment
  • Partner selection
  • Working together
  • Value creation
  • Staying together
  • Exit strategy implementation

BS 11000 was formally launched at the House of Lords in London on 7 December 2010.

Main requirements of the standard

The ISO 44001:2017 adopts the “ISO High Level Structure (HSL)” in 10 chapters in the following breakdown:

  • 1 Purpose
  • 2 Reference standards
  • 3 Terms and definitions
  • 4 organization Context
  • 5 Leadership
  • 6 Planning
  • 7 Support
  • 8 Operating Activities
  • 9 Performance Evaluation
  • 10 Improvement

What are the benefits of BS 11000 Collaborative Business Relationships?

  • Collaborate successfully with your chosen partners
  • Create a neutral platform for mutual benefit with business partners
  • Define roles and responsibilities to improve decision making processes
  • Share cost, risks, resources and responsibilities
  • Provide staff with wider training opportunities
  • Build better relationships that lead to improved results

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