ISO 10668:2010 specifies requirements for procedures and methods of monetary brand value measurement.

ISO 10668:2010 specifies a framework for brand valuation, including objectives, bases of valuation, approaches to valuation, methods of valuation and sourcing of quality data and assumptions. It also specifies methods for reporting the results of such valuation.

The valuation method BV4 applies is certified by ISO 10668:2010. This international norm sets principles for methods that determine the monetary value of brands. Based on these principles, a reliable and transparent valuation has to consider the holistic perspective of brands. That is, a brand valuation approach has to consider financial, behavioral and legal aspects of a brand.

The international Norm «ISO 10668:2010, Requirements for Monetary Brand Valuation» was released in September 2010. According to this norm, the Austrian Standards plus Certification institute developed a specific certification program. The external certification institute confirms that the valuation methodology applied by BV4 adheres to the international standard ISO 10668.

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