About Doctorate of Business Administration (DBA)

The DBA stands for the Doctorate of Business Administration, but it is completely different from the PhD in engineering and basic sciences. The purpose of this course is to develop research skills along with the principles of applying managerial knowledge to solve organizational problems. The audience of this course was senior executives, advisers and instructors in the field of management who, after passing it they gain a deep understanding of management knowledge in marketing, strategic thinking and human resources, learned the methods of applying managerial knowledge to solve organizational problems, develop their organizational leadership skills and enhance their capabilities for decision making and thinking in crisis situations.

DBA Difference with PhD

The purpose of the Ph.D. course in engineering and basic sciences is to generate new knowledge based on laboratory and library research, while in the DBA, the student has learned the principles of research on the organization’s complications with an executive approach, in addition to the development of managerial knowledge gained the skills of implementing this knowledge in solving business environment problems. DBA students can take over the leadership of large organizations, develop research management science and act as advisers to solve the organizational problems of important businesses. This training course is equal to 400 training hours.

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