training course

E-Learning & Training Cert

Maintenance and repair include troubleshooting of defects in any injured mechanical or electrical equipment. Maintenance operations also include scheduled measures to keep the machine in good working order or preventative maintenance to prevent problems. Maintenance and repair as one of the most important processes of an enterprise is closely linked to many industrial engineering areas […]

Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a standard general-purpose modeling language for software engineering, developed by the Object Management Group. uml contains a number of graphical elements that form UML diagrams. The purpose of using different charts in UML is to provide a variety of views of the system. As civil engineers build a different plan […]

“Network Security” includes the rules and policies adopted by the network management to prevent and monitor unauthorized access, abuse, modification, or constraint on computer networks and resources available on the network, compiled and applied. The terms “network security” and “information security” are often used instead of interconnection. The lack of familiarity of many users and […]

Microsoft Windows is a family of operating systems that Microsoft has developed for personal computers (PCs), smartphones, and tablets. The operating system has several versions that have been available since 1985. In the Windows operating system, you will get familiar with the popular Windows 7 operating system. You will learn how to install this operating […]

Multimedia Builder is the name of the most famous software in the field of auto-run making, which will help you to solve all your needs in the context of making Auto-run. With a wealth of features and abundance of tools provided by users, this software gives you the ability to create Auto-Run files. This software, […]